If you are getting a 0x80073CF3 error when installing or updating an app in the Microsoft Store, here are some steps you can try.
The error message you encountered might read:
The package failed to update, dependency, or conflict validation. Causes: The incoming package conflicts with an installed package, A specified package dependency can’t be found, The package doesn’t support the correct processor architecture.
Debugging: Check the AppXDeployment-Server event log for more info.
1: Microsoft Store Error 0x80073CF3 - Verify 32-Bit or 64-Bit
You might have noticed that the error mentions that the package doesn’t support the correct processor architecture. You might need to have a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system to continue.
6: Microsoft Store Error 0x80073CF3 - Clear Store Cache Manually
Press the Windows key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin). Right click on that and Run as administrator.
Type in wsreset.exe. and press enter.
Be patient and wait until you see the flashing cursor again to know that the cache has been cleared.
7: Microsoft Store Error 0x80073CF3 - Disable Antivirus
Temporarily disable your antivirus or any security software with blocking capabilities. Most third-party security software can easily be disabled by right-clicking on the system tray icon in the lower-right corner.