Error 0xc00d5212, This Item Was Encoded in a Format That's Not Supported
While playing your videos in Windows Media Player or the Movies & TV app, you might receive an error code 0xc00d5212 with the message "This item was encoded in a format that's not supported," and find yourself redirected to purchase the HEVC codecs from Microsoft or stuck unable to play videos. Here's how to solve the problem for free.
The problem is missing codecs. You probably need the Microsoft Media Foundation Codecs. They include four possible missing codecs that cause the "This item was encoded in a format that's not supported."
We've collected the Microsoft Media Foundation Codecsmissing codecs and made them available for you in one download. You can try to run every one or run the one with the corresponding name of the video file giving you trouble. See our video below for more information about that.
MPEG-2 Video Extension VP9 Video Extensions (may already be installed) HEVC Video Extensions AV1 Video Extension
Some of these files are no longer included or updated with Windows 10, and Microsoft now charges for some of these once free codecs.
We noticed some websites and video tutorials recommend you download VLC Media Player, but that is an option, not a solution to the problem. If you're willing to try a new player, VLC is an excellent choice.