How to Change the Size of Hiberfil.Sys in Windows 10
Hibernate is when Windows 10 saves an image of the Windows kernel and drivers into memory (C:\hiberfil.sys) when your computer sleeps and then loads that hiberfile to resume rather than restart your computer. In this tutorial, we show you how to change the size or percentage used of the hiberfil.Sys for advanced users.
Before we proceed, messing with your hiberfile.sys is for advanced users who understand how, or why, they need to modify it. We'd recommend you take a look at our similar stories at the bottom of this tutorial if you're unsure.
Windows 10, currently use 40% of your RAM for hiber.sys file, and that's the minimum, so if you're looking to save hard drive space, this isn't for you. In addition, hibernation must be supported by your firmware.