How to Clear Windows Update History in Windows 10 & 11
Windows 10 & 11 will automatically download and install updates, including Feature and Quality updates, drivers, definitions, and other miscellaneous updates. Windows Updates keeps a log of all installed updates, which can become longer over time. Here's how you can clear your Windows Update history.
There's no harm in deleting your Windows Update history, and Windows does not offer the option to delete it. Instead, we have a batch file that will clear your visible Windows updates history. Should you decide to uninstall an update later, try a free app like Windows Update MiniTool.
Right-click on Clear Windows Update History.bat and select Run as administrator.
Wait a minute while the steps are completed, as explained next.
This batch file will stop Services that prevent the deletion of Windows Update files. Next, it deletes the edb.log in the SoftwareDistribution folder and the contents of the UpdateStar folder, typically store.db. Finally, it restarts the Services previously stopped.