If you've received the error message Code 22 - This Device Is Disabled, here's how you can fix it.
For whatever reason, one of your devices has been disabled.
1: Enable the Device in Device Manager
Press the Windows Key + S and type in device and select Device Manager. Find the device Windows is removing, right-click on the device and select Enable device. A reboot might be required.
2: Try Safe Mode
Reboot and hold F8 to get into safe mode. If that doesn't work, try How to Boot into Safe Mode Even When F8 Fails. Repeat step 1 above to enable the device, reboot and see if it's resolved.
3: Check for Resource Conflicts
If you don't know why the device was disabled, it's possible that there's a conflict. This is most likely if you added, removed, or changed hardware recently. Windows XP - Vista users are most likely to run into this problem, especially with devices that don't support plug and play. See Windows Cannot Identify All the Resources This Device Uses to fix resource conflicts.