How to Create a Administrator Command Prompt Shortcut
If you use the Command Prompt frequently, you might appreciate creating a Desktop shortcut so you can launch the Command Prompt as Administrator quickly and easily.
Video tutorial:
Right-click on a blank area of your Desktop.
Click New > Shortcut.
Type in: %ComSpec% /k or %windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k and click Next.
Enter a name for your new shortcut (Elevated Command Prompt, for example) and click Finish.
Right-click on your new shortcut and click Properties.
Under the Shortcut tab, click on Advanced.
Check the box next to Run as Administrator.
Click OK. Click OK to close the Command Prompt Properties window.
Click on your new shortcut to confirm Command Prompt opens as Administrator.
You can right-click and pin to the taskbar, start menu, or drag to your Desktop.