How to Create a Recovery Drive in Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7
While Windows 10 now features Reset This PC, you might want to create a recovery drive in Windows 7, 8, and 10. A recovery drive allows you to reset or troubleshoot Windows. It's easy to do - here's how.
Remember that a recovery drive does not contain your apps, photos, music, videos, or documents, so you should back those up regularly yourself.
Press the Windows Key + S and begin typing create a recovery drive.
Click on Create a recovery drive.
Verify Back up system files to the recovery drive is checked.
Click on Next.
Connect a USB drive to your computer (thumb, flash) while you wait.
Once Windows detects the USB drive, click Create to begin burning your recovery drive.
Burning the files to a thumb drive can take some time, so try to create your recovery drive when your computer is not in use.