How to Disable Emergency & Government Alerts on the iPhone
The iPhone is automatically set to notify you of emergency and public safety alerts, including Amber alerts, weather notifications, and other notifications from your Government. Here's how you can enable or disable these alerts.
Before we get started, much like McDonald's warning you that a cup of coffee is hot, we are forced to remind you that turning off some alerts can be dangerous. Notifications of a hurricane, tornado, or other potentially life-saving alerts are typically rare and worth the hassle.
Click on Settings.
Click on Notifications.
Scroll down to the bottom.
You can toggle AMBER Alerts, and Public Safety Alerts on or off here.
Click on Emergency Alerts to customize what happens when an emergency alert is pushed.
You have two options here:
Toggle Emergency Alerts on or off. Toggle Always deliver on or off. This option will still send the alert but without the loud alarm.