How to Find Your Motherboard Make and Model in Windows 10 & 11
All computer components connect to your motherboard. If you decide to upgrade your computer, you often need to know what motherboard you have.
Whether it's a video card, memory, sound card, or anything else, you want to be sure that it is compatible with your motherboard. Here are some ways to find out what motherboard you have.
We should note that laptops and all-in-ones are different, so this tutorial focuses on Desktops. For laptops, we'd Google for the make and model to find out what motherboard is inside.
Video tutorial:
1: How to Find Your Motherboard Make and Model in Windows 10 & 11 - System Information
Click on Start > Run or press the Windows Key + R.
Type in msinfo32 and press Enter.
Find the System Manufacturer for the motherboard make and System Model (or Baseboard Product) to find the model number.
I have a Gigabyte B460M DS3H AC V2-Y1 in our example.
A quick Google search returns all of the specifications I need on the Gigabyte website.
2: How to Find Your Motherboard Make and Model in Windows 10 & 11 - Command Prompt
Type in wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber
Look for
Manufacturer and Product
3: How to Find Your Motherboard Make and Model in Windows 10 & 11 - Freeware Apps
There are numerous freeware system info apps that are worth having. Because there are so many of them, we'd stick with those with a long history of being top-rated. In addition, we'd download a portable app as odds are you're only using it this one time.
Our top picks are:
Belarc Advisor (Video tutorial available on the download page)
HWiNFO (Video tutorial available on the download page)
How to Find Your Motherboard Make and Model in Windows 10 & 11 - Check the Motherboard
Laptops and all-in-one computers use smaller motherboards, and opening the cases is not something we recommend for most people. We recommend you try one of the other methods or search for your make and model number.
Desktop users can remove the side panel, or if you're lucky, you have a glass side on your tower. Locations vary, but every motherboard has a sticker, or an imprint, with the make and model.