How to Permanently Delete the Camera Roll and Saved Pictures Folders
By Timothy Tibbetts |
Windows 10 creates two folders in the Pictures folder called Camera Roll and Saved Pictures. These folders are typically empty, but some people find them annoying especially after deleted and they return. Here's how to remove them permanently.

You'll need to uninstall the Photos, Video Editor, and Camera apps assuming you don't use these.
The Video Editor will be forcibly removed when you remove the Photos app. If you can live without these Windows 10 apps, then click on Start > Settings > Apps.
Find Photos and Camera and Uninstall. As mentioned earlier, the Video Editor is uninstalled with the Photos app.
Now, delete the Camera Roll and Saved Pictures folders and reboot.

You'll need to uninstall the Photos, Video Editor, and Camera apps assuming you don't use these.
The Video Editor will be forcibly removed when you remove the Photos app. If you can live without these Windows 10 apps, then click on Start > Settings > Apps.
Find Photos and Camera and Uninstall. As mentioned earlier, the Video Editor is uninstalled with the Photos app.
Now, delete the Camera Roll and Saved Pictures folders and reboot.