Many of us keep our Facebook accounts as private as possible, but sometimes you want to make a post shareable beyond your group of friends. If you have your account set to share your posts with friends or friends of friends, posts you make can't be shared by default. Here's how to make a post shareable.
You can make a post shareable when you create the post or after you make the post.
How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook - Create a New Post
Look for the dropdown box under your name when creating a new post. Click on that.
Click on Public. You will automatically be returned to finish your post.
How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook - Edit an Existing Post
There are two ways to change who can see your post.
1: Look for the people icon next to your name. Click on that.
Click on Public.
2: Click on the three dots at the top-right corner of the post you want to share.
Click on Edit audience.
Click on Public.
Your post can now be shared.
When you change a post status, it remains the same until you change it back, so the next time you make a post, verify that you select your usual default, for example, Friends.