How to Fix Print to PDF Missing in Windows 10 & 11 - Manually Add a Printer
Click on Start > Settings > Bluetooth & devices. Click on Printers & scanners on the right.
Click on Add device.
Wait a minute while Windows searches for a printer. When completed, click on Add manually next to The printer that I want isn't listed.
Check the box next to Add a local printer or network with manual settings, and click Next.
Click on the dropdown box next to Use an existing port and select PORTPROMPT: (Local Port)., and click Next.
Click on Microsoft on the left and Print to PDf on the right.
Some people might not see Print to PDF as an option. Click on Windows Updates. This step could take a few minutes. Now click on Print to PDF and name the printer.
Click on Next, then Finish when completed.
How to Fix Print to PDF Missing in Windows 10 & 11 - Device Manager
This step attempts to reinstall Print to PDF if it exists in the Device Manager. It should be used as a last resort, and it's a little weird.