Tip: Don't use bathrooms near me unless you're remodeling your bathroom.
A list of nearby restrooms will appear. Optionally, you can click on View map to zoom in and select one for directions.
Tip: Start scrolling down if the nearest restroom is miles away. We'll explain that next.
One problem with Google, of course, is that they are in business to make money. While that's fine, if you don't know where you are or you're in a hurry, then you might want to get the best search results right away.
We noticed the "nearest" restroom was 3.7 miles away at a public park, but we know there are closer places. We recommend you immediately scroll down and look for the closest locations after Google Maps' first choices.
Once you start scrolling, you might see a few local portable toilet companies (or similar) followed by the restrooms you're looking for.