Thanks for helping to keep MajorGeeks.Com error free! Please take a minute of your time and let us know what file you were downloading and any errors you might have received. While we are not able to respond to all these emails, we will check into your problem immediately.
Three things to check before reporting:
Your download does not start: The biggest reason people have trouble downloading is that Internet Explorer blocks downloads for your "safety". Look for a slim, yellow bar at the top of your browser that says "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. Click here for options". If you click that yellow bar, "download file" is an option.
A different program page opens up (IE; Registry Mechanic): You clicked on the page while waiting for the download to start and it is easy to click an ad here by mistake. Look for the text that says "Your download of "program name" will automatically start in a few seconds..." with an image under that which says "CLICK HERE IF IT DOES NOT". Clicking that link starts the download for you if it did not start automatically.
You can not find a download link: If you can not find the download links at all, Majorgeeks does not have a single "Download Now" button like many websites, but instead we offer multiple locations to download from. Look for the animated button at the top center of your browser that says "DOWNLOADS" and choose one of the locations. Your download should then begin automatically.
Reporting an infected file?
If you are reporting a file you believe is infected, note that false positives do occur. This is a situation where a single anti-virus program detects something as a virus when it is not. Please scan any files with another virus scanner to be sure it is infected. Consider using a multiple scanner based website like VirusTotal before submitting to us.
False positives are very common with programs that access the bios, network or other critical areas of your computer. Note that any program that installs stealth like (bios tools, keyloggers and many of our Covert Ops tools, for example) will be detected as malware.
No tech support questions please!
Finally, please do not send technical support questions to this email. Due to the amount of email we receive, we are unable to answer questions one on one. Please visit our Support Forums for technical assistance. The owners of and thousands of savvy users are waiting to help you. Be sure to search the forums first because your question or problem may already have been answered!