How to Create a Show Desktop Shortcut in Windows 10 & 11
In the farthest bottom-right corner of your Desktop is a small box you can click on to show your Desktop. It's sometimes hard to reach, or maybe you'd like to have the Show Desktop shortcut somewhere else?
Right-click on your Desktop and click New > Shortcut.
Type in C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}
Click Next.
Type in Show Desktop and click Finish.
You might want to change the icon and pin your new shortcut somewhere else.
To change the default icon, right-click on your new shortcut and click Properties.
Click on Change icon.
Choose from the available icons or type in C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll where you see Look for icons in this file to see many more modern icons.
Once you find an icon you like, click on it and click OK.
You can find a couple of perfect icons for the Show Desktop shortcut.
Keeping the Show Desktop shortcut is pointless because it's on the Desktop, so let's move it somewhere where you can access it.
Right-click on your Show Desktop shortcut and choose Pin to Start or Pin to taskbar.