The internet is full of slang, and SIMP is one word you might not be familiar with.
Simp is short for simpleton
The origins of simp date back to 1903 and have gone through numerous "changes" over the years. Some people might think they don't get it because they're too old or out of touch. Don't worry; even some kids might not know, so let's look at what some simp is over the years to different people.
Simp or simpleton was used a little in the 80s, meaning "Nice Guy." Think Duckie from the movie Pretty in Pink.
Simp was later used by some black artists starting in 2000, which explains the next "evolution" of simp below. Three Six Mafia is the most known lyric - "I’m trill working the wheel, a pimp, not a simp - Keep the dope fiends higher than the Goodyear Blimp.”
The latest version of simp first appeared in 2019 on TikTok from Generation Z or kids borns in the 1990s or early 2000s.
The most popular definitions from Urban Dictionary (modern definition and use) include:
A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.
A man that puts too much value on a female for no reason.
A man that prides himself with ‘Chivalry’ in hopes of getting sexual gratification from women.
A square with no game other than ‘Rolling out the Red-Carpet’ for every female.
Simp is considered an insult when used towards men chasing women. That said, by today's standards, using Simp is pretty weak as insults go.
Simp, the Generation Z version, needs to die:
That said, the most important part of knowing about simp is that it was never trendy, and even the 2019-2020 version of simp seems viral and temporary.