How to Remove 'System Requirements Not Met' Watermark in Windows 11
If Windows 11 was unsupported and you managed to install it, the geniuses at Microsoft have decided to place a watermark on your desktop that says 'System Requirements Not Met.' Here's how to remove that watermark.
How to Remove 'System Requirements Not Met' Watermark in Windows 11 - Registry Files
How to Remove 'System Requirements Not Met' Watermark in Windows 11 - Registry Edit
Advanced users can edit the registry themselves.
Open Regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache
If you don't have UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache, right-click on Control Panel and click New > Key and name it UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache. Next, right-click and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value and name that SV2.
Double-click on SV2.
Change the Value_data from 1 to 2.
Change it back to the default, 1, if you change your mind.