How to Upgrade Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional
If you are currently using Windows 10 Home and want to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, here's all you need to know.
Before you upgrade from Home to Professional, it's important to be sure you need it. As simple as it may sound, Home is geared towards most home users, and pro is geared towards professionals and networking. You can compare the differences between the two here.
Two of the biggest features Windows 10 Home users might need are Local Security Policy or Group Policy Editor. You can enable them for free without upgrading. However, you will need to reenable them after a Feature update, usually once or twice a year. Both use the same script, which you can read about here.
To upgrade, you will need to purchase an upgrade or a new product key. Back in the day, we used to enter any one of hundreds of available keys on the internet. Today, activation through Microsoft is required, and you need a valid product key.
Click on Change product key or upgrade your edition of Windows.
You should have two choices on an activated copy of Windows 10 Home:
Go to the Store This link opens the Microsoft Store. Upgrading to Windows 10 Professional costs $99 at the time of this article.
Change product key You will be prompted to enter a valid Windows 10 Professional key. You can buy a cheap key on eBay or through a third-party website. The results can be hit or miss, but we have purchased keys for as little as $3-5 and had them last for years. For more information on acquiring a cheap key, see this article.
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