...... to Majorgeeks - Thank you for Downloading Reimage Express
ReImage Express is one of our top FREE PC repair utilities form our friends at reImage. if you are new here, MajorGeeks.com is consistently considered one of the safest sites on the Net to download software, but we also try to keep it light with our Off Base and Way Off Base news sections. We hope you enjoy the difference.
What’s Next?
* Scan for errors on your PC * Click “Fix All” for repair * Enjoy your optimized PC
It's a sign of the times. Companies are forcing toolbars on machine after machine in an attempt to squeeze advertising dollars out of unsuspecting users. AntiToolbar. will automatically detect installed and unwanted Toolbars and give you the ability to easily, disable or delete unwanted items. It will also find and fix homepage and search settings changes on your browsers and then lets you choose the ones you want to remove.
Take back control of your browser and give this one a try. You wont be disappointed.
If you're here from reImage, you're probably into PC repair. Or perhaps just have some sort of issue that needs to be fixed. If That's the case, save yourself some headaches and get a copy of Tweaking.com's Windows Repair. This is one of the top all in one utilities that you can have on your PC. Malware and installed programs can modify your default settings which can cause usability issues. With Tweaking.com's Windows Repair. you can restore many of your Windows settings to their original state. This is an insanely simple to use program that walks your thourgh the repair process and can repair system damage that other programs simple can't.
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