Revo Registry Cleaner, available in both Pro and Free versions, offers a complete solution for advanced registry cleaning. It utilizes over 15 distinct scanning categories to thoroughly identify and remove invalid and redundant registry entries that can slow down your system's performance.
Wise Registry Cleaner scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. This is one of many tools included in the Wise Care 365 free suite.
MJ Registry Watcher is a simple registry, file, and directory hooker/poller designed to safeguard the most important startup files, registry keys and values, and other more exotic registry locations commonly attacked by trojans.
Registry Finder is a freeware app that lets you browse the local registry and create, delete, or rename keys/values modifying the values as their original data type (string, multi-string, DWORD) or as binary data.
RegScanner is a small free utility that allows you to scan the registry, find the desired Registry values that match the specified search criteria, and display them in one list.
NoVirusThanks Registry Guard uses a kernel-mode driver to prevent any process or only specific processes from writing, reading or deleting custom registry keys values.