AIV is a freeware image viewer for Windows systems. AIV has support for all basic image formats including tiff,wmf and emf. It has support for basic image manipulation like scaling,making borders, changing color to black and white. Also support for generation of html based image album.
AIV also comes with commandline tool called ait.exe. It has same features as AIV itself except you can use it through scripts for manipulating a lot of images at once.
IrfanView PlugIns 32 Bit package offers additional file formats and effects for IrfanView. This is the 32-bit version of the plug-in software. There is also a 64 Bit version available for those that run 64 Bit.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 64-Bit and portable versions.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 32-Bit and portable versions.