AniView is a free and open source (animated) GIF image viewer with a few additional features. Giv by the same developer is available for operating systems older than Windows 7 including Windows Vista and XP. Video tutorial available.
You can start or stop the animation as well as decide how many times you want it to play or even play in a loop.
If you want to edit an image, you can also open Windows Paint. Finally, you can export all of the images inside an animated GIF into the folder of your choosing.
IrfanView PlugIns 32 Bit package offers additional file formats and effects for IrfanView. This is the 32-bit version of the plug-in software. There is also a 64 Bit version available for those that run 64 Bit.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 64-Bit and portable versions.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact, and innovative graphic viewer for Windows. There are additional plugins available here as well as a IrfanView 32-Bit and portable versions.