ARADO is an open source Bookmark-Database for Websearch. You easily can save and organize your favourite URLs (Bookmarks). So, Arado Websearch is a complete bookmark management solution that will allow you to synchronize, organize, manage, remove duplicates and check your favorite internet pages, if their content has changed. The database can be networked with your further devices like laptop, mobile phone, home or work PC, so that all added URLs are synchronized with your connected devices. The Arado websearch experience provides to search the web within all your networked devices.
- RSS Feed Reader integrated: Add your favourite RSS-Feeds to read all the News in Arado. - Plugins: Arado Websearch allows to use plugins, you find all over the web, e.g. Convert and Download Youtube URLS to MP3: some third party plugins are collected here: - Search improvment: Search faster and with more options - Core and Gui Seperation: Run Arado Websearch on your Webserver - Webview Page: Build in Browser, to browse RSS news immediately or over your default browser, e.g. - Thanks to all contributing users: especially: B., M., H., P., W. and others and the new video game portal for ideas of further development in the future. - php Portal (beta): set up your URL-Databse and Urlbase.sql on your webserver and run phpportal/index.php on your webserver, a test URL Database with 100 K URLs for testing is found temporarily here: - Please send us a notice, if you set up a portal with Arado Open Source Websearch, so your Portal can be linked in further releases on the homepage: