Atelier Web Remote Commander (AWRC) is a must-have for system administrators and helpdesk personnel that regularly require access to remote computers.
You may be familiar with utilities that allow remote management of computers. All those utilities require that you install software on the remote computer in order to process your requests and send the information back to you - not the case with AWRC, you do not need to install anything on the remote PC.
Atelier Web Remote Commander (AWRC) is recommended for a range of special remote access requirements, from intelligence to parental supervision.
Atelier Web Remote Commander (AWRC) Features:
Runs across firewalls
Performs deep audits and all kinds of maintenance operations
TeamViewer is a popular, easy-to-use free remote access program to access or let someone remotely access your computer. It can be installed or run as portable. Video tutorial available.
Remote Desktop Manager is designed for managing all of your remote connections - from adding and editing to organizing or finding a remote connection quickly.