Atlantis Word Processor Lite is a powerful, fast-loading companion for all your word processing tasks.
It does not matter if you are a novice or a power user; Atlantis has the tools you will ever need to compose highly professional documents. Create documents and reports, write novels, articles, letters, and more.
Atlantis Word Processor Lite is very compact while retaining superior power and efficiency to perform, proving to be the perfect desktop assistant for a wide range of word processing tasks - from simple to the most complex. After installing this version of Atlantis Word Processor, you can try the full version's features for free by going to the Help menu and then selecting the More Features command.
Use of Atlantis Word Processor Lite is unlimited but there are a few feature restrictions not listed on the author site. The paid version ($35.00) contains a full complement of features including:
fully-customizable toolbars, status bar, hotkeys, sounds, and color schemes,
additional panels of the Control Board: Sections, Lists, Reveal Formatting, and Selection,
the Save as eBook tool to convert any document into an eBook,
the Batch Conversion command,
the Backup Files tool for greater safety,
the Full Screen and Spotlight modes,
the Draft View and View Side by Side modes,
the Overused Words feature to help writers avoid repetitions and cliches.