avast! Virus Cleaner is a free tool that will help you remove selected worm infections from your computer.
avast! Virus Cleaner is currently able to identify and remove the following worm families:
Win32:Badtrans [Wrm] Win32:Beagle [Wrm] (aka Bagle), variants A-K Win32:Blaster [Wrm] (aka Lovsan), variants A-M Win32:BugBear [Wrm], including B variant Win32:Ganda [Wrm] Win32:Klez [Wrm], all variants (including variants of Win32:Elkern) Win32:MiMail [Wrm], variants A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-U Win32:Mydoom [Wrm] (variants A, B, D, F-H - including the trojan horse) Win32:Nachi [Wrm] (aka Welchia, variants A-G) Win32:NetSky [Wrm] (aka Moodown, variants A-O) Win32:Nimda [Wrm] Win32:Opas [Wrm] (aka Opasoft, Opaserv) Win32:Scold [Wrm] Win32:Sircam [Wrm] Win32:Sober [Wrm], variants A-D Win32:Sobig [Wrm], including variants B-F Win32:Swen [Wrm], including UPX-packed variants Win32:Yaha [Wrm] (aka Lentin), all variants
Please note that it is no longer supported, or updated, so unless you have one of the infections listed below, you might try something newer and updated.
McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool is designed for the complete removal of McAfee Security products in order to reinstall or install a different antivirus.