AVCertClean searches for valid security software that is marked as untrusted due to an infection. It can then restore that software to trusted.
AVCertClean is portable. Simply double-click it to run, and you will be told if you have this issue. It accomplishes this by searching for legit security companies certificates that are marked now as untrusted and reverting them back to trusted. This is particularly useful if your security software is disabled preventing you from running it.
AVCertClean mentions this is for a recent infection but does not say which. Since there are millions of infections out there, we're hoping it works with any infection that can modify your trusted software, but we have no way of knowing.
AVCertClean might be one of your only choices when you can't run scans because your software is no longer trusted. The app is free and designed for techs and advanced users. While we don't see any harm in anyone using it, less experienced users should proceed with caution.
Editor's Note:
Windows Defender will detect this as infected. This is common on unknown, niche tools and is a false positive.
McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool is designed for the complete removal of McAfee Security products in order to reinstall or install a different antivirus.