AyaN Stereo Sound Tester is a simple utility for speaker testing.
The core function is to test your speakers in one of the following ways; mono to test one by one speaker, 2 in 1, 4 in 1, or 6 in 1 (surround sound effects testing is included in all options except 2 in 1). You are also provided with details about your audio driver which will be helpful if you encounter an audio issue during one of the tests. The details provided are just the basics but a good starting point to troubleshoot.
AyaN Stereo Sound Tester is displayed from a simple and efficient UI with 99% of what you need on the initial display window. Don't let the fact that some of the English text is a little off or misspelled as this small utility worked quite nicely.
AyaN Stereo Sound Tester is provided as a .rar file, so you will need WinRar or similar to open it.