BGEye renders system information as the desktop wallpaper. The information is rendered as a variable array of elements, together with icons, onto a pre-defined background, before being saved as a bitmap and temporarily set as the wallpaper.
BGEye renders a new wallpaper every 60 seconds (or less).
BGEye optionally renders:
User-defined Title Text.
Local Date and Time.
Current Suit Name.
Computer Uptime.
A 'Accumulator' (Days, Hours and Minutes).
CPU(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
CPU Clock Speed(s) (MHz).
Graphics Card (Model, Manufacturer etc).
Audio Card(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
Network Card(s) (Model, Manufacturer etc).
USB Device(s).
Processes (Total and maximum).
RAM (Total, load and maximum load (Load including Page File)).
Registry (Size and Size limit).
Local Disk Drives (Total space and load).
Remote (Networked) Disk Drives (Total space and load).
Uxtheme Multi-patcher will allow you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows (with Themes enabled) just by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).