Enjoy playing Breakout with this new take on the classic arcade game of the same name.
When you initially opened the game it was very small which made it hard to read the instructions, however, this has been improved and now opens at a larger size. But you can still resize it from the app resolution control located on the middle left side. It took us a minute to find it but once we did it was smooth sailing. The gameplay is simple, 'z' to move the paddle left and '/' for right. There are also some settings that can be manipulated like ball and level speed, ball size, and extra-life probability - all of which are controlled via sliders.
One little thing, make sure that you have the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes on your machine which can be easily achieved with Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes AIO Repack.
Breakout is a fun little game to play with enough new things to keep it interesting.
Breakout Features:
3 Game Modes; 1 Player, 2 Player Team, and 2 Player One-On-One where players can try and steal each other’s ball(s)!
Background music played between games and on the main menu. Music fades out as game starts, and in when the game is over, or the user can turn it off from the menu by toggling it on or off.
21 Sound effects.
App screen size can be changed from within the game all the way up to full-screen kiosk mode.
Game speed and level speed increase can be set via sliders.
Brick layout can be set via slider from 3 x 6 all the way up to 10 x 20 rows and columns.
Brick styles; Regular, black hole (swallow balls and spits it out later in a random place), extra life, morph (each ball hit morphs the brick), power (ball go straight through instead of bouncing), solid (no value but randomly messes with ball direction), and spawn (spawns a new ball).
Brick style probability/occurrence can be adjusted via sliders
Paddle size and movement speed can be adjusted, via sliders, individually for each player.
With precise paddle steering, the player can control the ball’s ricochet angle and speed
Pause and resume option via quick ‘spacebar’ press.
Classic pinball-style scoreboard.
10 Cool galaxy background images, blending in between levels.
Version History for Breakout:
Game now starts in a much larger size, higher resolution.
Program icon now made from within compiler, so the download should no longer flag in Chrome or Windows.
Library DLL now included in "exe" file, so the game is truly self-contained.
In 2 player one-one-one mode, fixed so when a player manages to steal back his ball, it's no longer is smaller, but at full size.
Sped up slightly creation of brick layout.
Various code optimization for speed, mostly visible at a higher resolution.
Editor's Note:
The author accepts donations to help keep the project going.