BrowserDownloadsView is a free tool for displaying the details of files downloaded from Chrome and Firefox.
For every download, you will be able to view the following details: Filename, Download URL, Web Page URL, Start Time, End Time, Download Duration, Download Size, Web Browser, and more.
BrowserDownloadsView allows you to quickly load the download list from your system (either your user or all user profiles) from a remote computer on your network or an external hard drive. After BrowserDownloadsView loads the downloads list, you can choose one or more downloads and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html5/XML/JSON file. It also permits you to calculate the MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 hash of the downloaded files.
Microsoft Windows ISO Download Tool lets you download all versions of Microsoft 7, 8.1, and 10 and Office 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 directly from Microsoft's servers. Video walkthrough available.
Internet Download Manager is a tool for drastically increasing your download speeds and resuming/scheduling downloads, including the capability to download any streaming video.
Free Download Manager (FDM) is a robust download management program that permits downloading files and whole websites from any remote server via FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. Portable version for Lite and Pro also available.
Ninja Download Manager is an Internet Download Manager & Accelerator that not only dramatically increases download speed but also allows you to resume and restart stopped/broken downloads.