CalcTape provides you with a usable real-world calculator that allows for natural notations and corrections to any of your calculations.
Being able to make notes can be a useful feature when using it for work expense reports, taxes, or any process where you need to remember a certain point or aspect of that particular sum. It will also make sure that extensive calculations will always remain clearly structured. If you are a visual person then having the entire arithmetic process visible to you can be a great help in general, as well as the fact that you will be able to correct or change any numbers and operations as you see fit.
With CalcTape, you will be an accounting whiz - key as many calculation terms in one turn and still keep an overview - like on an adding machine or desktop calculator. If you need to, easily modify any term afterward, and it will automatically refresh the entire calculation.
CalcTape is also available for your Android device.
CalcTape Features:
Use intermediate results to check and structure your calculation.
Comment your calculation terms, to give sense and context to it.
Save your calculations into files. Open the files later and you can change the calculations. CalcTape will refresh the whole calculation automatically again and again.
Use your existing CalcTape files as templates. Do similar calculations and play different scenarios.
Use the programmable buttons e.g. for fast TAX calculations.
CalcTape masters the four basic arithmetical operations, exponentials, and percentage calculations.
Scratchpad for every-day calculations is being saved automatically.
Put calculations side by side for comparison.
Work with variables and generate "speaking" calculations.
Define as many programmable keys as you like.
Use parentheses and trigonometry when defining variables.
Free42 HP-42S Calculator Simulator is an Open Source recreation of the HP-42S Scientific Programmable Calculator and HP-82240 Printer. Plus42 is also available.