Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation is a fighting game where you, the chicken, take on waves of enemies to defeat them and move on.
It's an Indie game and it shows in many ways but it's a great start. The players seem a bit far apart to actually be hitting each other and there's literally no exit button. It's considered a release but we find it a bit beta-like in its current state.
It is fairly easy to play right away with the mouse by moving left and right and using various keys to kick and punch. As you progress you earn resources and battle items to make yourself stronger than ever.
There's no install needed, just extract and run.
Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation should give you hours of fun.
Chicken Assasin is now a $3.99 game on Steam. This is the last known free version.
Aeon Ball is a puzzle and action game, in 3 dimensions, which challenges you to guide a ball across the most convoluted loops with obstacles and traps.
Star Wars: The Battle of Endor is a 3D Shooter Game that puts you in the fight against the Empire in the epic battle of Endor. Project has been abandoned.