Colors makes managing color palettes a straightforward process and it's portable too for use on the go.
You have at your fingertips a color picker that can be used to select a target color from anywhere, any color that is chosen is shown from the main interface in multiple color formats BGR, CMYK, C++ HEX, HTML, HSL, Pascal HEX, Pascal INT, and RGB. You can then copy a color value and have it available to paste, or you can save all your picked colors to a file.
Colors has no limit on the number of picked colors that can be added to your palettes allowing you tailor them for specific use it does have limited context menu options which are Select all colors, Remove selected colors, and clear the palette. There is also a preview with sample text option included as well as built-in sample palettes. It is a nice and clean option for color managing and using color palettes. Even though it is still in beta, it was quite smooth to use and no issues presented themselves as we attempted to break it for testing purposes.