Convert for Windows can convert most measurements including distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, and more.
Convert for Windows is so unique, we don't even have a category here to put it in. It is free, portable and can convert almost anything. I needed it last night trying to guess how many bottles of Jack Daniels were in a barrel at the liquor store. First world problems. I would have needed to convert ML to gallons so I could figure out how many 750ML bottles make up a gallon. Of course, you could always Google it. The answer is 240 gallons in case you needed to know now. You're welcome :)
Of course, being able to search almost makes this program obsolete. Almost. Anyone who needs to make conversions regularly will find having this app handy. Choose from one of 22 different categories, put in the input and output types (for example milliliter as the input and gallons as the output, and finally change the input output number from 1 to whatever you like. Convert for Windows will instantly convert 1:1 as soon as you choose the inputoutput and will make the changes live as you change the number of input. Once again, continuing our important Jack Daniels lesson, you will be glad to know that 750Ml is 0.198129 gallons.
Convert for Windows also features US and UK measurements for our friends across the pond.
Convert for Windows is very fast with its calculations on the fly and frankly, a bit fun. If you can't find what you need to convert in the 22 available categories, it probably can't be converted.
Free42 HP-42S Calculator Simulator is an Open Source recreation of the HP-42S Scientific Programmable Calculator and HP-82240 Printer. Plus42 is also available.