Copy Handler allows you to manage different copy/move operations for files and folders.
You can use it on your hard drive partition, other storage media (external hard drives, CD/DVD units, flash drives, etc.).
Copy Handler Features:
full control over the copy/move process (you can use pause,resume,cancel,restart buttons)
huge amount of options (task queuing, file filters, shutdown after finishing copy process, auto-resume, logging, different shell options, adjust buffer size on multiple levels for CD-ROM/HDD/network, and so on).
one of the most customizable applications from this area: the options section has over 60 detailed, customizable areas for your needs.
observe detailed information regarding the entire copy/move operation, such as estimated time left, progress, speed, etc.
Unlocker helps delete locked files with error messages including "cannot delete file," and "access is denied." Video tutorial available. MajorGeeks recommends Unlocker Portable which does not include the Ad-Supported Delta Toolbar.
IObit Unlocker can help if you are trying to delete a file or folder and see messages similar to "Cannot delete file: Access is denied" or "Cannot delete folder."
Q-Dir is a free option to make managing your files and folders easy by allowing you to quickly regulate your hard disks, network folders, USB-drives, floppy disks, and other storage devices.