Dacris Benchmarks is a simple and easy-to-use performance testing instrument for your PC. You can use Dacris Benchmarks to determine the speed of the CPU, memory, hard drive, video card, and other components inside your computer.
It is portable and highly accurate. After testing, you can also compare test results with a vast online result database.
System Grade: predict how your system will perform in real-life scenarios
System Monitor: log system resource usage and identify what causes periodic slowdowns
One-click benchmarking: it is as easy as one click
Unlimited comparison: compare results with as many systems as you want.
[1]https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/how_to_get_windows_experience_index_score_in_windows_10.html[2]How to Update and Find Your Windows Experience Index Score[3]
[1]https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/how_to_identify_the_hardware_in_your_computer.html[2]How to Identify the Hardware in Your Computer[3]
[1]https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/three_ways_to_find_out_how_many_cores_your_cpu_has.html[2]Three Ways to Find Out How Many Cores Your CPU has[3]
[1]https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/how_to_check_what_graphic_card_(gpu)_is_in_your_computer.html[2]How to Check What Graphic Card (GPU) Is in Your Computer[3]
[1]https://www.majorgeeks.com/content/page/how_to_check_your_memory_(ram)_speedavailable_slots_and_more.html[2]How to Check Your Memory (RAM) Speed, Available Slots and More[3]
ATTO Disk Benchmark is a freeware application that measures your storage system's performance with transfer sizes and test lengths for read and write speeds.