DataGrab is a utility to quickly retrieve only the *desired* data from a live or offline system for backup. On the target partition, DataGrab backs up only the data you WANT from each user's profile (and not all of it, e.g. temp files, etc.) such as documents, pictures, video.
On the target partition, DataGrab backs up only the data you WANT from each user's profile (and not all of it, e.g. temp files, etc.) such as documents, pictures, video, desktop, favorites, saved games, downloads, cookies, history, application data for Outlook (including PSTs and NK2) / Outlook Express DBXes and Windows Address Book, Firefox profiles, and stray Microsoft Office documents and PDFs, etc. etc.
DataGrab also retrieves stray Microsoft Office documents and PDFs are retrieved from the user profile (the main directory itself) and the root of the drive.
Registry hives are retrieved (offline system only for main and current user hives).
The entire partition can be searched for Quickbooks files, MS Access databases, and any wildcard file search you wish to input.
Additionally, from a live system DataGrab retrieves IP settings, RDP port, mapped drives, shared folders, installed printers, and from the current user profile, it retrieves IE settings, the IE Typed URL history, and Outlook Express account information.