DEKSI Network Inventory will provide your organization with comprehensive and detailed reporting about all of the hardware and software on all of the computers on your network.
DEKSI Network Inventory provides a complete software and hardware inventory of all your network PCs. It is an extremely powerful, feature rich, advanced, but easy to use software system designed to provide network administrators with comprehensive and detailed reporting on all the software and hardware inventory installed on your networked computers.
You can view the Information remotely, generate a variety of different reports, as well as track the changes that occurred since your last inventory was run. With DEKSI Network Inventory you can export this valuable information into MS Access, MS Excel, CSV, and SQL, and now with increased and substantially improved reporting capability.
DEKSI Network Inventory Features:
Tells you which computers are online so you can obtain information from them
With the Report Creation Wizard you can design your own reports with any important information you require.
You can save reports in separate files, or create one common report file.
DEKSI Network Inventory collects data via WMI technology which means you do not need to install any additional software on the network computers!
Ability to build pie charts and bar diagrams (the "Reports" main menu) with data on operating systems, processors, memory size, hard drives, etc.
Added a button for scanning outdated computers on the "Relevance of Information" window.
Detailed preview window with scaling
Exporting to the PDF, DOC, XLS, HTML, CSV, JPG, BMP, GIF file formats
Exporting to the Open Office file formats
Exporting to the MS Office file formats is now faster (installed MS Office is not required anymore)
Sending Reports via email
Powerful report editor allows you to edit reports and remove unnecessary data before printing
Reports on hardware with computers grouped by the object type: memory size, CPU type, HDD model, DVD-drive model, etc.
Report on operating systems with computers grouped by the operating system type
Report on installed Microsoft Office products
Report on hardware characteristics
Report on availability of a particular program, and many more
Simplified the Report Creation Wizard
Added sorting summary tables by any column
Added exporting the "Allowed Programs" list to a file or a report (for approval, etc.).
Added obtaining information on antivirus software that is installed on remote computers.
Added antivirus software reports.
Changed the Program Startup Wizard.
Extended the service filter in summary tables. You can now define filters based on service states (for example, find disabled services).
Added the IP address resolving dialog to the IP address range scanning mechanism.
Added multi-user access to the inventory database. The database can now be stored in a shared folder of a network server.
Added displaying inventory changes on scanned computers.
Added displaying outdated computers by colors (fresh data - black, old data - gray, no data - red) in the list of computers.
Added sending data files via FTP and e-mail.
Added counting copies of software (in the License Manager) detected by the registry scanning. When a program is copied to a computer (but not installed), it is not displayed in the list of installed software on this computer. You can configure registry keys to be scanned (see the "License Information" section in the program settings) and all the found programs will be considered as installed in the License manager. However, a deleted program can leave its data in the registry. Such program can be detected and counted as installed.
Added exporting/importing the list of allowed software (in the program settings).
Added a report on unauthorized software (sorted by software titles).
Added ability to uninstall applications, delete startup shortcuts, delete shared resources, kill processes, start/stop services on remote computers from the information pane.
Added ability to view the log of changes as a news line.
Added ability to uninstall applications, delete startup shortcuts, delete shared resources, kill processes, start/stop services on remote computers directly from the inventory log.
Added a report on computers where a certain application is not installed.
Extended the antivirus software report. Now, the report has information on computers which have no antivirus software installed.
Improved the speed of importing client data files when the changes tracking is disabled.
Added a report on Mapped Drives that displays the drives networked paths
Simple Port Forwarding works with webpages and not directly with your router making it a safe program to use. Supports 52 Languages and 2600+ routers. Portable version also available.