Deluge is a free BitTorrent client designed to work as a desktop app or server.
Deluge contains features most BitTorrent users are used to, including encryption, local peer discovery, UPnP, proxy support, web seeds, speed limits, and more. The list of features is quite exhaustive.
Depending on your needs, there are three possible interfaces. These are GTK UI for the desktop user, Web UI for the browser and Console UI for the command line.
Deluge also features plugins made by the community, so anything it can't do probably has a plugin for that.
uTorrent is a free and open-source BitTorrent client software. It is one of the most popular torrent clients in the world, with over 100 million active users.
BitTorrent is a torrent client allowing peer-to-peer file sharing/distribution protocols designed to transfer files from multiple locations. We recommend looking elsewhere due to multiple malware additions, including installing two web browsers and a malware redirect website.
TorrentRover uses the most popular torrent search engines including,,, and to get you the best results.