Dropbox Folder Sync is a simple app for Dropbox that allows you to seamlessly sync folders outside the Dropbox folder. Pretty handy for syncing Firefox profiles, saved games, music library, Outlook data files etc., to Dropbox directly from their locations. Sync and Unsync to Dropbox just by using the right click menu on the folder. It actually works by moving the folder into Dropbox and then putting a symlink in its place.
If you are new to Dropbox, it is a popular file synchronization and backup tool which automatically syncs all your devices to the cloud. You can also share and collaborate on your stuff with others. It also offers you 2 GB of free online storage. (Get Dropbox or Know more).
But one limitation of Dropbox is that, it will only sync the files in your Dropbox folder. Our app helps to overcome this limitation by allowing any folder to sync with Dropbox right from its location.
Google Drive is a cloud file storage and synchronization service encompassing Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Google Drive permits the collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Try the Save to Google Drive Chrome extension.