DropboxPortableAHK provides you with all the online file storage of Dropbox but in a portable app.
Take Dropbox with you everywhere. Dropbox Portable AHK supports Dropbox version 72.4.136 and higher. You will be able to put your Dropbox on a USB-Stick so you can have it with you all the time. It permits you to select which folders should be synchronized to your folder (Selective Sync) as well as the ability to maintain multiple dropbox accounts on the same computer/user account. You can also use your Dropbox without administrator privileges.
DropboxPortableAHK will be a useful app for those users on the go who wish to have their Dropbox with them at all times. Some may recall that there have been other portable projects in the past that have withered away, but this author promises to be different, providing a dedicated site for updates as well as feedback. If you value a genuinely portable Dropbox, then consider donating to the author to help keep it going.
DropboxPortableAHK Special Features:
SyncAndGo – Run Dropbox, wait for it to finish syncing all files and close it afterward
User Applications – Run applications before and after the execution of Dropbox
Connection Profiles – Set up different connection settings
Google Drive is a cloud file storage and synchronization service encompassing Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Google Drive permits the collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Try the Save to Google Drive Chrome extension.