Dukto is an Open Source, cross-platform option for easily sharing files between two machines (or any other device) via your LAN.
You will not need to concern yourself with any permissions, operating systems, clients, protocols, servers or user conflict. Simply drag the selected folder and drop it within the Dukto window and you're off. It really is as easy as that.
Please note that you should make sure that you are prepared for high-speed file transfers.
Dukto Features:
Simple user interface
No server or internet connection needed
Zero configuration
Clients auto-discovery
Multi-OS native support
Portable version available
Multi files and folders transfer
Transfers log
Send and receive text snippets (eg. useful for sending URLs)
Open received files directly from the application
Windows 7 taskbar integration with progress and transfer indicator
uTorrent is a free and open-source BitTorrent client software. It is one of the most popular torrent clients in the world, with over 100 million active users.
BitTorrent is a torrent client allowing peer-to-peer file sharing/distribution protocols designed to transfer files from multiple locations. We recommend looking elsewhere due to multiple malware additions, including installing two web browsers and a malware redirect website.
TorrentRover uses the most popular torrent search engines including thePirateBay.org, KAT.ph, isoHunt.to, and BitSnoop.com to get you the best results.