EaseBackup is an easy-to-use backup solution that lets you protect your information everywhere, anytime - at home, at work, or on the road.
It keeps files and folders secure by storing them on your hard and removable drives, CD/DVD, FTP Servers, Amazon S3 account, and tapes. Restoring is as easy as clicking a button, but you can also use some advanced options. Patch mode reduces the size of backup archives 80-90%! An additional DBBackup module allows you to backup Oracle, MS SQL Server, and MS Exchange Server databases!
EaseBackup saves copies of your files, folders, registry, and other file information to get an exact copy of your data after restoration. Powerful scheduling properties, 2048-bit encryption, compression on the fly, detailed logs, and many other useful features protect your essential data. Our powerful, easy-to-use, worry-free, and little expense backup solution benefits anyone who uses a computer because you MUST save your work frequently. Any moment your hard drive could crash.
With an easy-to-use interface, you can customize your backups to protect your data - your way!