Entanglement for Chrome is a puzzle game that challenges you to create the longest path possible without encountering a boundary.
The aim here is to create the longest path possible by rotating hexagonal tile pieces that have multi-directional paths on them and create an unobstructed pathway. Hit a boundary wall and it is all over.
Entanglement for Chrome evokes a Japanese vibe to it with its soundtrack and is quite enjoyable to play. You have the option to either play Solitaire which is a single-player game where you try to beat your own record or compete against others if you choose or the multiplayer game that allows you to play against up to 5 other people on the same computer. This mode offers a chance to challenge your friends head-to-head: try to grab the longest paths without running into each other or the wall.
Another nice feature is you can play without needing an internet connection once you have Entanglement for Chrome installed.