FAVC is a GUI for several different free video tools. It takes one, or more, avi/mov/wmv/asf/avs/vdr files and produces a dvd folder ready to be burned to a dvd and played in any regular dvd player. I wrote this to save me doing all the things manually. If it's also helpful for you then that's great. This won't get the best results possible, but it'll do it fairly quickly.
Input avi/mov/wmv/asf/avs/vdr/mkv/mp4/ogm files and obtain a DVD folder (and an iso if required) ready to be burned to a DVD disc.
Automatic file recognition and analysis.
Automatically assigns correct bitrate based on disc size chosen.
CDex is focused on ripping and converting things like turning your home CD collection into an MP3 collection on your hard drive. Available as a portable app here.
EZ CD Audio Converter is an all-in-one music converter that rips Audio CDs, converts audio files from one format to another, edits metadata of audio files.