Fedora Games Spin offers a perfect showcase of the best games available in Fedora. The included games span several genres, from first-person shooters to real-time and turn-based strategy games to puzzle games.
Not all the games available in Fedora are included in this spin, but trying out this spin will give you a fair impression of Fedora's ability to run great games.
Some of the games included are: Extreme Tux Racer - High-speed arctic racing game based on Tux Racer. Wesnoth - The Battle for Wesnoth is a free, turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme. Hedgewars - Hedgewars is a turn-based strategy, artillery, action, and comedy game. Colossus - Colossus is a Java clone of Avalon Hill's Titan boardgame. BZFlag - BZFlag is a free online multiplayer 3D tank battle game. Freeciv - Freeciv is a Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by human civilization's history. Warzone 2100 - Command the forces in a battle to rebuild the world after humanity has almost been destroyed by nuclear missiles. MegaGlest - MegaGlest is an entertaining free and open source cross-platform 3D real-time strategy (RTS) game. Fillets - Fish Fillets NG is a Linux port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets from ALTAR interactive.
MultiBootUSB is a software installer that allows the user to install multiple Live Linux Distros to a single USB drive/Pendrive/Flash drive and boot from it.