Free Message Encrypter is a small and easy-to-use message encryption tool.
We all know that Gmail, Facebook, and many other online services scan and read messages that are sent while using their products in order to craft ads specific to keywords found contained within. This is where the Free Message Encrypter comes in handy. It is perfect for throwing a wrench into that machine making it a bit more difficult for them to target you - now this tool isn't necessarily DoD worthy but it is, at least, a layer of protection against preference based ads as well as snooping eyes.
You will need to create a unique password that is used for encryption as well as decryption. The process is simple to perform and it is portable so you can take this tool on the road.
Viber is a cross-platform VoIP (voice over IP) application that will let you send free messages and make free calls to other Viber users on any device, network, or in any country in which you happen to be.