FreeMeter is designed to monitor your system performance without using too many resources.
In each bar graph meter, a red bar indicates 98% or higher utilization; yellow, 90% or greater; green less than 90%. Each graph can also have a blue horizontal line across it which represents the 30 second average for that meter. In FreeMeter Professional, you can change the percentage limits and the colors that are used.
You can quickly hide the FreeMeter window by double-clicking the title bar. To unhide it, double-click and FreeMeter system tray icon. While hidden, all the meters continue to gather data.
CrystalDiskInfo is an Open Source utility that monitors and displays the health of your hard drive, including basic information, S.M.A.R.T. values, and disk temperature. Also available as a portable version.
PRTG - Free Network Monitor is a network monitoring solution that ensures the availability of network components while also measuring traffic and usage.
CrystalDiskInfo Portable is an Open Source utility that monitors and displays the health of your hard drive, including basic information, S.M.A.R.T. values, and disk temperature. Also available as an installer.
Wireless Network Watcher is a small freeware monitoring tool that quickly scans your wireless network and then lists all the computers and devices that are currently connected.