F‑Secure Internet Security is a popular virus protection program for your computer, mobile phone, and tablet.
F‑Secure Internet Security is a small, 2.1MB app that downloads the entire program. You will need a subscription code from here, which we found tacky.
Features: Antivirus - Excellent virus protection keeps your devices safe from viruses, ransomware, and spyware. Browsing and Banking Protection - Handle your online shopping, banking, and all other surfing without worries. Ransomware Protection - SAFE will monitor your essential folders and block ransomware from encrypting them. Family Rules - Protect your family with one subscription and set healthy boundaries for kids’ device use.
F‑Secure Internet Security has built a solid reputation, but we weren't at all happy providing our name and email just to try the program. F-Secure was asking for a code. We never received the code, nor was it in our account. The provided email link allowed us to activate our account only. It's not our first rodeo, and there's no trial code to be found. Ridiculous.
Hopefully, you have better luck.
Sloppy, poorly executed sales tactics like these only make Windows Defender more attractive because it comes with Windows 10, and it's free. I'm guessing F-Secure won't be quoting our review.
But, we're preaching to the converted. You either like F-Secure, or you don't. That's the only reason F-Secure is listed here. Fans of F-Secure probably won't read this anyway. We recommend F-Secure for advanced users and fans of the program. Everyone else can use Windows Defender, as explained in the similar links below.
Avast! Free Antivirus is the perfect package of applications for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites to protect their computers from a virus infection or other malware threats. Be sure to see How to Install Avast as a Lightweight Antivirus.